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How to Impress Employers while Job Searching

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Last Updated on December 13, 2022 by

Are you looking for a job? Are you doing everything you can to impress employers while job searching? If not, you may be missing out on some key opportunities. This blog post will discuss three ways to impress employers while searching. So read on and learn how to make a great impression!

Why is it Important to Impress Employers while Job Searching?

Students need to leave a lasting impression on employers while job searching. When an employer meets a candidate for the first time, they will form an opinion of that person within seconds. Therefore, job seekers must make a good impression, especially since employers usually interview hundreds of candidates.

Job seekers should always research the company they are interested in applying to, even if it’s low on the bucket list. Job seekers who take the extra step will be able to understand how the company operates better.

If you come into an interview with relevant questions about the position and the company, you will impress employers with your knowledge and show genuine interest in the company.

There are several ways to do this, including dressing professionally, maintaining eye contact, and behaving confidently.

Additionally, it is essential to articulate your skills and experience clearly and concisely. By taking the time to impress employers while job searching, you will increase your chances of being hired for the desired position or even a position not intended initially.

What are the Different Ways Students Can Impress Employers?

As a student, there are several things you can do to impress potential employers and set yourself up for success in your career. One of the most important things you can do is get good grades and develop a solid academic record. Employers want to see that you can succeed in a challenging environment and have the drive to excel. 

In addition to your grades, your internships and work experience can also impress employers. If you have relevant experience in the field you are interested in, highlight this on your resume and during interviews. Having a portfolio of your work on a website or a word document is also essential so employers can see what work you’ve completed. It also gives them more questions since they have proof you’ve done specific projects.

Students can also impress employers by reaching out to them directly. In addition, there are programs where you can find employers through their companies and send a formal introduction and your relevant portfolio. The reason for doing this is to get the information pertinent to the person in charge and introduce yourself professionally. Finally, reaching out to potential employers shows your willingness to apply.

Another way to impress employers is to develop strong, soft skills like communication and teamwork. These skills are essential in any workplace and make you stand out from other candidates. Taking steps to impress employers while you are still in school will increase your chances of landing your dream job after graduation.

What Happens if you Impress the Employer but Fail the Interview Process?

Applying for a job can be a long and daunting process. After crafting the perfect resume and landing an interview, it can be tempting to sit back and relax. However, the real work has only just begun. The interview is your chance to show the employer that you are the best candidate for the job. If you impress them but fail the interview, it may seem like all your hard work has been for nothing.

However, it would be best if you did not give up hope. Many employers will give candidates a second chance if they impress them during the initial meeting. They may invite you back for another interview or ask you to complete a series of tasks. Employers typically keep resumes on files of candidates they like for other positions.

Students can also connect with employers on networking platforms like LinkedIn to stay up-to-date on information for new jobs.

As long as you show that you are willing to learn and put in the effort, you stand a good chance of being hired. So, don’t get discouraged if you don’t land the job on your first try. Instead, keep impressing employers; eventually, you will find the perfect position.

Always Keep Contact Information for Employers

It’s always a good idea to keep in contact with employers that you impress. But, of course, you never know when an opportunity might arise, and it’s best to be prepared. So there are a few different ways to do this. 

Firstly, make sure to exchange business cards. This way, you’ll have each other’s contact information on hand. If you need help getting their business cards, see if you can get their primary email address. If that doesn’t work, make sure they have the proper resume on file so they can contact you in the future.

Secondly, add the employer to your professional network on LinkedIn. This way, you can easily keep in touch and stay up-to-date on each other’s career journeys. Finally, send a follow-up email after your meeting or interview. Thank them for their time, and express your interest in staying in touch. By taking these steps, you’ll be sure to impress employers and build long-lasting relationships that can benefit your career.

How Can Student Hires Help Students Land the Perfect Job?

Student Hires is excited to offer after-school programming to help increase the career readiness of disadvantaged youth in our community. Our programs are led by college students and emphasize hands-on experiential learning. Our programs focus on five key areas: academic success, workforce readiness, entrepreneurship, college, career planning, and, most importantly, fun.

All youth deserve access to quality after-school programming to help them reach their full potential. Our goal is to provide a safe and supportive environment for a child to explore their interests, gain new skills, and build confidence. We are committed to helping youth succeed in school and life. Please visit our partner section or contact us today for more information about our after-school programs.


By following the tips in this blog post, you will be well on your way to impressing potential employers and landing the job of your dreams. Try tailoring your resume and cover letter to match the company’s branding, research common interview questions ahead of time, and send a thank-you note after your interview. Then, stand out from the competition by being prepared and presentable, and you’ll be sure to land that dream job in no time.

Last Updated on December 13, 2022 by Student Hires

About Student Hires

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